Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sorry about my lack of posts this week, still trying to recover from the craziness of this weekend! Recap for y’all:

1) Went home with my roommate, where we slept in late, watched ridiculous movies, and made dinner for friends (including somewhat magic tacos and a great asparagus tart)
2) Packed a picnic and trekked to Ravinia for the Jack’s Mannequin/Guster concert, which was fantastic. Those bands are so. good. live. And then
3) Drove to Chicago after the concert to friends who were staying in the Topaz Suite at the Peninsula Hotel…definitely the highlight of the weekend. Yes!
4) Recruited students for one of my favorite ministries of all time, which I have the privilege of coordinating for our school this year. It’s a ton of work, but so worth it.
5) Got my graphic design on and created collateral for a fundraising night at Chick fil A for our class council. I love being on student gov (running theme here: overcommitment?) ;)

So, recovered (but still a little tired), I’m back for another week. Enjoy these awesome photographs from Kris Atomic while I try to remember to sleep (disclaimer: though I might complain, I love being busy. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I don’t know what it is, but I’m always 156.789% more effective if my schedule is a little overloaded, it’s been scientifically calculated. Like I said before…I’m pretty convinced that I’m some combination of an underachieving overachiever. Makes for an interesting life.)

Happy Wednesday, guys!

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