Today, my friends, was a very big day: my last Monday working as a full-time, responsible, adultish person.
Praise the Lord.
All summer I’ve been an intern in the marketing department of my Dad’s bank, saving up my pennies for law school instead of shirking my duties and counseling/life guarding/putzing around the house (bitter? Me? Nah) and, aside from how to deal with massive wardrobe malfunctions/getting hit on hardcore in an elevator/how to file like a pro, the biggest thing I’ve learned this summer is this:
I am not ready to become a responsible member of society and work full time.
I have a newfound respect for full-time workers, I don’t know how you people do it! Even with my newfound coffee adduction, I feel like a zombie most of the time. From the looong hours to the tedious busy work to the terrifying commute (let’s not talk about the accident on the highway)…I can’t wait to go back to school where the only things I have to worry about are passing Children’s Lit and if those jeans make my butt look fat. I can definitely wait six more years before I have to do this again.
The experience, however, has left me well endowed in the money department. And since I’ve had no time to go shoping this summer (literally zero articles of clothing have been added to my closet, which nothing short of a miracle where I’m concerned), I am rolling in the dough for a killer fall wardrobe. And hooo boy, have I been doing my research (when you’re not physically capable of doing something, it becomes more of an obsession than it was before. Another valuable lesson I’ve learned from this job). One of my favorite new finds is Brochu Walker, which plays up the denim/khaki/navy/solids/chunky knits…basically all of my favorite fall fashion trends are present in their fall collection. Swoon.
Look out, Chicago. This girl’s got a salary burning a king-sized hole in her pocket and whole heckuva lot of repressed retail therapy…
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